Combat Improvements

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Conmaan 9 years, 1 month ago.

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    1. New Crafting Interface – Anvil: Would be used for crafting metallic objects and weapons.

    2. Improved Combat – The ability to move while using a weapon (the weapon would swing wherever it is that a person’s mouse is pointed). Weapons would slow a person down when swung/fired, but would not stop a person entirely. This could make for some dynamic gameplay, allowing a person to kite mobs, and be able to effectively deal with groups that come from all sides. Some backwards walking animation might need to be added if this is.

    3. Weapon Types – Here are some suggestions for new weapon types. Damage is self explanatory. Arc length is how wide of an arc a sword makes in front of a player when swung. Swing speed is how long it takes for the sword to travel from the start of the arc to the end of the arc. Swing delay is how long it takes for the player to be able to swing again after an attack. Extension is how far the sword extends from the player.

    Shortsword: The starter weapon for most players, available to craft at a crafting table. Possibly could be provided when a game starts.
    Damage: Low
    Arc Length: Low
    Swing Speed: High
    Swing Delay: Short
    Extension: Short

    Longsword: Longer reach and a wider swing.
    Damage: Moderate
    Arc Length: High
    Swing Speed: Moderate
    Swing Delay: Moderate
    Extension: High

    Greatsword: High damage output.
    Damage: High
    Arc Length: High
    Swing Speed: Moderate
    Swing Delay: High
    Extension: Moderate

    Scimitar: Higher swing speed.
    Damage: Moderate
    Arc Length: Moderate
    Swing Speed: High
    Swing Delay: Short-Moderate
    Extension: Moderate

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