More biomes, underground levels and art-assets/items

Home Forums Tile Miner Suggestions More biomes, underground levels and art-assets/items

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  StratX 9 years, 2 months ago.

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    Hey. I hope you’re still able to develop this game. I’m sure it’s a daunting task for 1 or 2 people, especially as it grows, but I hope you’re able to keep going.

    I had some inspiration and found a lot of potential in your little game.
    1) It feels like an old-school RPG meets Minecraft(or any voxel building game)
    2) I love the new art-teaser and think that a Japanese, pixel, RPG look is a great way to go.
    3) I think people would essentially love a game that plays like a builder but looks like an old-school RPG, like Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy, etc…
    4) I’m not sure how levels are done, but I thought it’d be interesting, since you already build stairs to go “underground” if you had multiple possible layers. It may create a sense of progression(whether you want that or not). But you could create many layers each different, perhaps to get at increasingly better stuff(ore etc…) Like the first level underground is how you have it now, but maybe further down, it gets redder light, with harder animals, but better ore and things… maybe even totally look different with stalagmites/stalagtites, etc…
    5) I found myself dreaming of a possibility in the future of making the game moddable. If a community started making devices that functioned to add to the game, you could eventually make oil, pipes, fruit trees, etc… in the same manner Minecraft has a rich modding community that really adds a ton of cool things like engines and pipes and more textures.

    6) Art assets would be time-consuming and difficult I know, but I think players “could” love it. People who are in to old-school RPGs are also very “in” to pixel art, meaning making characters, furniture, etc… and dressing them up. So a huge list of aesthetic clothing, and items could be very cool.

    I wish you the best of luck and I’m working on video-review I’ll post up and let you know about soon.

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