Slow down the wheat growth cycle

Home Forums Tile Miner Suggestions Slow down the wheat growth cycle

This topic contains 3 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  AC 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #205 Reply


    Basically, wheat grows too fast. This is more of a balancing issue, but hear me out. Wheat grows in a minute or less, and gives you about two wheat seeds. The problem is that because it grows so fast, farms grow exponentially and require constant expansion. If wheat took longer to grow (5-10 minutes or so), the overpopulation of farms could be stopped.

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    #207 Reply


    Its all random for me as i tried to time out the cycle of growth times it ranged anywhere from 1 minute 12 seconds up to 4 minutes and 45 seconds.

    #210 Reply


    Odd. While it may be random, there is a higher likelihood of the shorter times occurring the larger the amount of wheat gets. In any event, it was just an observation I made that a lot of wheat grows in what seems like little time. Maybe I’ll just start a seed bank.

    #212 Reply


    I do agree on the time though it should be a bit longer as if i were to sit here with my small farm, wheat would be a never ending task 🙂

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