Steam GreenLight!

Tile Miner is now up on Steam Greenlight. To vote click here:

In the meantime, I’m also working on finishing up the next update which will include more housing options, beds and a couple other tidbits:) As always please let me know if you have any suggestions or find any bugs. I do read everything! As always you can purchase the alpha version here:


  1. Awesome man, good job!! Was trying to register to post on forums any help on that?
    *BUG when placing sometihng too close to player it teleports you on other side( i did it in rock home i made an TP all way like 20 blocks out of mining area
    *Sug. make the light circle just a little bit bigger around player hard to see a be atk ya

    1. Hmmm… Thanks for the feedback and for finding the bug. I’m going to be working on the forums tomorrow. You’re the second person to ask and I guess I’m not sure how to register right now…
      I do plan on making a few changes to lighting at some point… I don’t like the current beam texture…
      Do you by any chance remember what you were trying to place when you shifted through the walls? I’m assuming the bug is related to a specific tile type… Thanks!

  2. I believe it was the furnace. And also i guess i am now registered for the forums as well i noticed when i went there after i posted first comment.

    1. Just come back from a Great Holiday in Vera, after visiting relative advised us to visit Zaks Plaice in Garrucha for the best fish and chips you will ever taste and yes they where good, it reminded you where brhisti.Zaks didn’t know what a fish sandwich was untill we visited them.Showed him what it was and now he’s got it on the menu. try one there great he may send us some comission. Don’t miss a taste of what we all like.visit Zaks you wont do disappointed

  3. I’d rather drop my suggestions on Steam, however I’ll make an attempt to put them here. Waiting on this update before I get deep into playing it, but from what Ive played already seems the purchase was justified.

  4. Update sounds sweet! Love the game, but I did notice a bug, which you may already know about. For some reason, if I left click in a chest, it will craft whatever item would be on the crafting list in that slot. For example, if I click on the third box from the top in a chest, instead of doing nothing, it will craft sticks (Or planks or something), which would be in that slot if I had opened the crafting menu. It’s not too annoying, but it is a little annoying. Again, can’t wait for the update! Speaking of which, when the game updates, do I have to download a new version or does the game do it?

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