If you’ve been watching Tile Miner from the beginning you know that the graphics have gone through a few revisions. If you’re interested in hearing the story you can read this entire post. If not, just know this: We are updating all of the graphics to a higher resolution! Here’s a screenshot to give you …read in detail
Author: madnaloth
Bad News and Good News
The bad news is, we’re not releasing any more monthly updates. There is a very good development reason for this that I will announce shortly. We are making a pretty big change and that change will mean we can’t be putting out regular updates for at least a few months. The good news is, we’re …read in detail
Tile Miner Early Access Giveaway
No Purchase Necessary to Enter or Win. Contest begins on Wednesday, April 18th, 2018 at 6pm Eastern and will end on Tuesday, April 24th at 6pm Eastern. We will choose 3 followers of @tileminer and 3 RTs of the game post to win a Tile Miner Steam Key. Creating multiple twitter accounts to increase your …read in detail
The Ice Dungeon (Version 0.5) is now available!
Over the past month we’ve had a ton of fun adding a brand new dungeon. This new dungeon is found by defeating the first boss. He’ll drop a staircase that is capable of going deeper into the underground. Once there you can find new ores, new spells, new potions, new enemies and all sorts of …read in detail
The Magic Update is Now Available!
This update was a fun one! The focus was on adding magic and accessories to the game. We also took some time to adjust a few other balance related issues. We need as much feedback as we can get so as always let us know about bugs and all of your ideas in the forum. …read in detail
0.4 Coming Soon!
I just wanted to chime in and share some of the things we’ve been working on in 0.4. We are calling this “the magic update”. The original plan was to add a bunch of small pieces of content we feel the game is really lacking. But then when we calculated how long it would take …read in detail
0.3 Available Today… And the future!
Three bits of great news: 1. Tile Miner Early Access version 0.3 is available now! The game will be available again for purchase ASAP.2. A second developer has been added to the team. Believe it or not, this is the most exciting part of this update. 3. Our plan is to dramatically increase the frequency …read in detail
Developer Update #19 – Early Access Removal
I’ve decided it’s time to remove Tile Miner from early access. Here are the reasons why:I’m nowhere near the final release. When I released Tile Miner back in 2014 I had fully expected to release the game within a year to a year and a half. Development always takes longer than I think it will. …read in detail
Developer Update #18 – Wiring
I’ve mostly completed wiring. Wiring will transport 3 different types of signals: On, Off, Toggle. There are 3 different types of trigger tiles as well. When going through a dungeon, every doorway has an on trigger tile. When you touch it a charge will be sent to any connected wire. Those charges will trigger whatever …read in detail
Developer Update #17 – Lizard Shell
Lately I’ve been working on a wiring system for the dungeon. I’ll give more details when it’s closer to being completed but it’s basically a way to turn on lights, spawn enemies, and trigger traps. The next few updates I’d like to address some of the AI adjustments. I am finally finished with the AI …read in detail